Dirt, grime, and years of wear and tear are blasted away with our professional pressure washing services. Whether we’re revitalising your office exterior, car park, pathways, or school grounds, our high-pressure equipment will take away built-up dirt, moss, and discolouration to bring back the surfaces to their former glory. Our Professional Pressure Washing Services can tackle the toughest grime, revealing clean, beautiful colours and finishes once lost to dirt and weather. Revamp your property to look good as new with expert pressure washing.
1. Assess and Prepare: We’ll inspect the area, observing any dirt buildup, stains, and delicate surfaces that will need care during pressure washing.
2. Pre-Treat: We’ll apply environmentally friendly cleaning solutions to loosen dirt buildup, moss, algae, and general grime.
3. High-Pressure Clean: Here comes the fun part! We use fully updated pressure washers to deeply clean without causing damage to your property’s external surfaces.
4. Target Stained Areas: We concentrate on deep-set stains like grease and rust, making sure to clear the surface.
5. Final Rinse and Inspection: We then apply a final rinse to the whole area to wash away any leftover residue and cleaning solution. After, we inspect for quality assurance.
Our pressure washing services have been around for 25 years in the Milton Keynes area. Our services can be applied to office entrances, pathways, car parks, driveways, school playgrounds, etc., and we tailor our pressure washing services to your needs, providing excellent service and quality results—every time.
Transform your property into its best state with our professional pressure washing services today!